More Than Conquerors Part 1
Calvary means that Christ not only bore on that tree our sins but He carried to the tree the sinner and nailed the adamic life on it. When you come the point of recognising that God does not patch the old life but killed it in Christ you will know the path of victory. You should reckon the old man crucified (ROM 6).You took the new life from Him as He resurrected. From the new life you can see the fruits of the Spirit (Gal 5:22-25).On the cross Christ was man's representative and He destroyed sin,flesh,death,Satan and the world by His crucifixion (Col2:15).There is therefore no need on the part of a Christian for a trace of fear of Satan for he was an absolutely conquered foe to the soul who knows." Fear hath torment". The finished work of Calvary ends the fear of death(Heb 2:5,14)and fear of the prince of death.
On the cross Christ took away your sins so that you might have the blotting out of them through His blood, when all the wicked spirits of Satan cannot bring them up to you. God said" I will remember them no more" (Heb8:12)That is salvation from guilt and penalty of sin.You must understand that when God blots out sin He did it in the condition that you part with sin.God cannot blot out what you will not part with.
Now you have the right to break with sin.You can say in the name of the conquering Jesus no sin has a right to master me. Standing on ROM 6:6 "I refuse anger,bitterness, doubt, fear,abusive words e.t.c I refuse to be in bondage to any disobedience spirit in the name of the one who died for me. You must reckon yourself dead to sin but alive to God as Christ is.You have to appropriate what He did for you to get free from Satan's deception (Rom6:13)Oh that the church of Christ would rise up in the name of Jesus Christ her redeemer and refuse to be in bondage to sin or to Satan.We should rise up declaring that all the works of the devil against us should be destroyed because Christ was manifested to destroy them all.(1 Jhn3:8)
When you stand on ROM 6,reckoning the old life crucified, your spirit becomes joined to Christ as one spirit. You are not going against the terrible foe alone.Your spirit joined to the Lord makes you more than conqueror. In terms of power he is more than you but you have authority in the name of Jesus Christ who conquered him on the cross to defeat the enemy of your soul. All you need is to put on the whole armour of God to stand against the wiles of Satan.Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world (1 Jhn 4:4).So child of God do not tremble nor fear them.Stand on the fact of the old Adam life crucified with Christ.If you face the enemy in your natural strength you will surely be defeated. The Adamic life in you is the material for the enemy, so you must be in faith and reckon the old man dead and always stand against its manifestation in you because the power of the flesh will always wants to motivate the soul to act against the will of God, this is where you need resistance. When you resist the devil he will flee from you.(James 4:7-8,1Pet 5:8)
Now the questions from Christian circles are what do we do in cases of spiritual bondage,satanic oppression, poverty, sickness, deprivation through satanic agents,curses and lack, please watch out for part 2 of this message. God bless you