it's my pleasure to reach you with the word of God this morning and shed some light on the mystery of the kingdom. Jesus said a profound statement in Matt 6:33 that we should seek the kingdom of God first and foremost above all our needs and then every other things shall be added unto us. To seek something is to look for a hidden thing,to search for a thing and find it. What man lost in the garden of eden is the kingdom not material thing.Man lost authority and access to Godly provision. This kingdom is what Jesus Christ brought back to us. His first message was"Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand" (Matt4:17)in other words the kingdom is here now change your thinking, your culture, your beliefs and lifestyle and embrace the one you lost which I have brought back. This is not religious declaration but a brand new life.
You are a man and the Bible says" All have sinned and come short of the glory of God" (Rom3:23),"There is a way that seems right to a man but in the end it leads to death"(Prov14:12), "Man has dominated man to his harm"(Eccl8:9),"It does not belong to man...even to direct his step"(Jerr10:23)and Jesus says"Verily verily I say unto thee except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God,verily verily I say unto thee except a man be born of water and Spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God, that which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit" (John 3:3,5-6)
Everyone that will serve and know God must be born of the Spirit of God. It is not the nature of man to keep the commandments of God but Jesus says"If you love me, keep my commandments" (Jhn14:15)
It is God that must adopt a man to be His own and to serve Him. The kingdom provision is the solution to man's problem. From the kingdom life Jesus raised dead Lazarus (Jhn11),opened blind eyes (Mark10:46-52),Healed the woman with the issue of blood (Mark5:25-34),walked upon water(Matt14:23-33),brought out money out of fish mouth (Matt17:24-27) and gave us life of the kingdom (John10:10) and power to rule and have dominion on earth (Luke 10:19) because the kingdom of darkness is the one ruling this world (II Cor4:3-4)
The connection to this kingdom is the HolyGhost who will initiate the work of our understanding the gospel to surrender our lives to Christ who redeemed us (Jhn3:16-18) and to baptize us into the Spirit (Jhn14:26,15:26-27,16:7-11,Acts2:1-4,32-39,4;31)
So brethren are you baptised into the Spirit so as to be able to walk in the Spirit? (Rom8:1-13,Gal3:16-25)If you cannot operate in the spirit nor experience any of the gifts of the Spirit in your life the kingdom of darkness may destroy your life on earth and even send you to hell.
Receive wisdom today and live out your destiny in Jesus name. For enquiry please call 07038650195.God bless you